What is causing them dizzy.
Organs in the chest and heart there. Heart, lung, pleural membrane, aorta, esophagus, breast bone, chest, ribs and chest muscles. When inflammation or infection of these organs can cause chest pain, but symptoms may be totally different.
Compatible with the following symptoms: chest pain of ischemic heart disease.
A very sore and uncomfortable, the center of the chest. Maybe it's the left side or both sides (usually the right one) may be split to the left arm or both or stick tight to the neck and jaw pain, some like a sore tooth.
2 patients as an exercise such as brisk walking, while the other ran up the stairs in a hurry or angry, angry that I will be better when you exercise.
3, in some cases severe. Angina symptoms occur at rest in a sitting or lying, or after a meal.
4 cases of coronary obstruction. Acute myocardial infarction. The symptoms are very severe. May be associated with other symptoms such as sweating and fainting (signs are also found in diseases of the aorta could tear).
The following symptoms like chest pain of ischemic heart disease.
It's a round of needlestick pain painfully sore point for the chest pain.
2 pain occurs at rest. Symptoms for hours or days.
3 more when I change positions or move or breathe deeply.
4 hurt in a head hand feet.
1,2 and 3 may be caused by pain from the bones. Pectoral muscle.Pleuropneumonia. Inflammation of the pericardium.
However, the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease. In addition to chest pain. Rely on other records. In particular, risk factors, in some patients, symptoms do not like to. However, there are several risk factors. Should be investigated by a special.
Dyspnea is unusual.
Symptoms of dyspnea and the exercise such as walking jogging running causes such as anemia (anemia), obesity, hypertension, lung disease, thyroid toxicity, heart disease, congestive heart failure (heart failure), even anxiety, or allergic News. and it makes me as well. Fatigue symptoms of heart disease and congestive heart failure, asthma, breathing is very fast for a period of exertion. But in severe cases. Tired all the time. Some will be very tired and lie down. (I will be tired, i) must lie on the head or just fall asleep.
Pant in the sense of the word doctor means. Respiration rates than normal. However, in the sense of patient could be included. Tired tired tired, exhausted mind.
Tired and exhausted. I was tired, cold hands and feet (with a normal respiratory rate), these are not tired from heart disease.
Tremble in the medical means. The heart failure arrhythmias, or heartbeat irregular heartbeat, this symptom may be found in the normal heart and other diseases affecting the heart, such as thyroid toxicity, lung disease, doctors are not historical information. the nature of a shake to make sure that the arrhythmia or not. Often patients feel a "shake" with the heart beat normally.
Diagnosis shake syndrome is not easy to do. Because patients often have symptoms for a while. When the doctor said I had gone to the doctor can not diagnose the cause of arrhythmia or not. Therefore, you should learn how to take the pulse itself. When symptoms. How many times a heart beats in 1 minute and uniform or not. This information will help doctors make the diagnosis more quickly.
Leg swelling.
Symptoms of leg swelling caused by the body's salt (sodium) and water retention in the body. May be caused by kidney disease. (I do not salt) tube of venous thromboembolism. (The flow is not easy) the lack of protein in the blood, liver disease, drugs and some hormones, heart disease, or in some cases no cause (idiopathic edema) and swelling in patients with heart disease is caused by the heart, the right to decline.Blood from the legs can not. Pour into the right heart, and streams. The remaining blood in the legs more. Disease is a chronic inflammation of the pericardium may like this as well. When there are symptoms, leg swelling.Doctors need to monitor multiple systems. To determine the cause. The treatment was correct.
Faint flash
The word "short" This is a significant problem in history. In English this word has different meanings. The meaning of the doctor. Will correspond to the English as syncope refers to the unconscious or nearly unconscious while they may feel dizzy dizzy I do not see a clear picture. The pain is momentary. Does not include disorientation house flushes the austere poetry of the respiratory symptoms may be caused. Disorders of the brain such as epilepsy (seizures, although not visible) bleeding in the brain.Disorders of the heart, such as a fatal arrhythmia. Or arrest for a while, or disorders of the autonomic nervous system that controls the heart. In addition to "short" may be found in people with normal blood loss, dehydration, diarrhea, discomfort, lack of exercise. Drugs to lower blood pressure.
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